We went public with actions in Chemnitz, Leipzig and Dresden. All the work we have put into this over the last months and years finally became visible – what a great feeling!
While in Chemnitz it was mainly large banners that attracted attention, in Dresden and Leipzig it was mainly two very large doors that represented our logo.
For one afternoon, the door in Leipzig’s city centre attracted attention: anyone who walked through it could hear the phrase “Sachsen öffne dich” in different languages. In addition to the door, there were speeches. So people stopped at the door, which was perceived more as an art installation, and started listening to the speeches or talking to the people from the alliance. Of course, not always only people who agree with us in our demand for a state admission programme come by during such talks. But it was still nice to create a public space to be able to discuss the demands with different people and to encourage one or the other person to deal with the issue – to get into conversation with all kinds of people in general.
We had similar experiences in Dresden. Here, various poems, columns and other texts were played that fit the theme and were previously recorded by various motivated people. Time and again, people stopped somewhat confused in front of the door on Schlossplatz, who were then invited to walk through the door and continue tying the ribbon. “What does that stand for?” was usually the question. And they could already tell that the ribbon symbolises the demand for more solidarity in Saxony and what our alliance stands for: We want solidarity with all people, regardless of their origin, gender or level of education! But we can only achieve this together.
Often there was a longer conversation afterwards and we were able to distribute flyers and stickers.
During the whole time, sound bites were collected on the question “What do you wish for the future of Saxony and how can Saxony become more open to the world in the future? The answers ranged from the wish “to really consider people who flee from other countries as human beings and not to deport them to countries like Syria, for example.” to “against the right, to take a closer look at the structures of the organisations in the field, to take more consistent action there and not just leave them there.”
On a piece of wallpaper we collected people’s opinions on the same question. For example, one person wants the state government to “finally see immigration as the opportunity it is, and to reflect on and dismantle its own racism and other reasons for a lack of empathy towards refugees”.
After this Advent Sunday, some people have opened the door in Saxony and set a sign for more solidarity. The more there are, the better – because together we are stronger!
Text by Birte Geerds