The Federal Resettlement Program is aimed at especially vulnerable groups and enables a safe travel to Germany. This way, minors, women and people with disabilities in particular can apply for asylum without risking their life on the way.
“Aim of the resettlement program is, to provide a lasting solution and perspective for refugees, who have neither a long-term possibility of returning to their country of origin, nor a chance of integration in the country of first refuge.” [1] Currently Germany is participating in an EU-Resettlement-Program and provides 6.000 places for the first time in 2022. These are also divided through, for example, the Berlin and Brandenburg State Admission Programs. [2]
Saxony determines in the coalition agreement for 2019-2024: “We will support federal programs in coordination with the UN Refugee Agency to take in especially vulnerable groups, such as persecuted Christians, as well as women and children from northern Syria and northern Iraq, and we will take in at least 150 people in Saxony during the implementation.” [3]
*Saxon coalition agreement 2019-2024. p.72.
[1] accessed on April 26, 2022.
[2] accessed on April 26, 2022.
[3] Saxon coalition agreement 2019-2024. p.72.