We and our alliance partners have the expertise and motivation.
our demands
We demand that the state government …
Usually, Refugees are distributed to the Federal States in Germany through the “Königsteiner Schlüssel”. “According to this Schlüssel the distribution is based to one-third on the population and two-thirds on tax revenue.”[1] A Federal State can also take in refugees through the family reunification.
Through State Admission Programs, Federal States can provide further escape routes for those seeking protection, in addition to the ones mentioned above. For this, residence permits are usually issued for people originating in a specific conflict region. Therefore it is a matter of supporting and relieving the admission authorities, as e.g. family reunifications are made easier and less bureaucratic.[2].
“Employment is the key to successful integration” says Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dauth[3]. The authorization for employment makes people more independent of state benefits. People whose refugee status is recognized are legally equal to German employees. However, the process of recognition often takes one to two years. Not every residence status authorizes employment: Asylum seekers and “tolerated” people must hope for a permit.
*according to § 23 paragraph 1 of the Residence Act.
[1]https://www.iab-forum.de/erwerbstaetigkeit-schluessel-fuer-integration-von-gefluechteten/ accessed on April 24, 2022.
[2]https://resettlement.de/landesaufnahme/ accessed on April 24, 2022.
[3]https://www.iab-forum.de/erwerbstaetigkeit-schluessel-fuer-integration-von-gefluechteten/ accessed on April 24, 2022.
The Federal Resettlement Program is aimed at especially vulnerable groups and enables a safe travel to Germany. This way, minors, women and people with disabilities in particular can apply for asylum without risking their life on the way.
“Aim of the resettlement program is, to provide a lasting solution and perspective for refugees, who have neither a long-term possibility of returning to their country of origin, nor a chance of integration in the country of first refuge.” [1] Currently Germany is participating in an EU-Resettlement-Program and provides 6.000 places for the first time in 2022. These are also divided through, for example, the Berlin and Brandenburg State Admission Programs. [2]
Saxony determines in the coalition agreement for 2019-2024: “We will support federal programs in coordination with the UN Refugee Agency to take in especially vulnerable groups, such as persecuted Christians, as well as women and children from northern Syria and northern Iraq, and we will take in at least 150 people in Saxony during the implementation.” [3]
*Saxon coalition agreement 2019-2024. p.72.
[1]https://www.bmi.bund.de/DE/themen/migration/asyl-fluechtlingsschutz/humanitaere-aufnahmeprogramme/humanitaere-aufnahmeprogramme-node.html accessed on April 26, 2022.
[2]https://resettlement.de/aktuelle-aufnahmen/ accessed on April 26, 2022.
[3] Saxon coalition agreement 2019-2024. p.72.
Municipal Admission can have a positive effect on integration, because municipalities can take in people seeking protection according to their own capacities. However, currently there is no legal basis that allows municipalities to take in further to the “Koenigsteiner Schluessel”. Legislative changes can only be made by the federal government. At the moment the admission of refugees is regulated at federal level in the Residence Law (AufenthG) and in the Asylum Law (AsylG). This means that states and municipalities so far have no authority to take in people in need. There have been several attempts to adapt the Residence Law, most recently in 2019 by the “Greens” and the “Left”. [1]
[1]https://dserver.bundestag.de/btd/19/092/1909275.pdf Zugriff 26.04.2022.